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Process of Selling HDB: What You Need to Know

Selling your HDB flat is a complex process that involves multiple steps, regulations, and financial considerations. Whether you're looking to upgrade, downsize, or relocate, understanding each stage of the HDB resale process is crucial. With the HDB resale market remaining robust and prices reaching new highs in 2024, many homeowners are considering selling their HDB flats. This guide aims to demystify the process and provide a comprehensive overview of what to expect.

Explaining Sales Proceeds

Selling your HDB flat is ultimately about making a profit, which makes it crucial to understand your potential sales proceeds. These proceeds represent the net cash amount you receive after deducting outstanding loans, CPF monies used (with accrued interest), legal fees, agent commissions, and any applicable penalties. Understanding your potential sales proceeds is essential to determining whether selling your flat is financially beneficial. Tools like the HDB sales proceeds calculator on the HDB Flat Portal can provide an estimate, helping you make an informed decision.

Meeting the Requirements for HDB Flat Resale

Before you embark on the HDB resale transaction, it's important to meet several prerequisites:

  1. Fulfil the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP): Depending on how you purchased your flat, the MOP varies.

  2. Check Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP) and Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) Quota: Ensure that the sale of your flat complies with these policies.

  3. Special Circumstances: Additional requirements may apply if you're selling due to bankruptcy or divorce.

The HDB Resale Process

The HDB resale process involves a series of essential steps to ensure a smooth and successful transaction when selling your flat in Singapore.

1. Register Your Intent to Sell

The first step in the HDB resale process is to register your Intent to Sell on the HDB Flat Portal. This intent is valid for 12 months and is crucial when granting the Option to Purchase (OTP) to potential buyers. After registration, you'll receive important information about your estimated sale proceeds, and you can proceed to submit the resale application.

2. Calculate Remaining Mortgage After Selling Your HDB Flat

Your outstanding home loan balance must be fully repaid upon selling your flat. For instance, if you sell your HDB flat for $400,000 and your outstanding loan is $100,000, your net sales proceeds would be $300,000. If your loan balance exceeds the sale price, you'll need to pay the difference in cash, which could complicate the transaction.

3. Assess CPF Utilisation from HDB Purchase

CPF funds used for your flat purchase, including accrued interest and housing grants, must be refunded to your CPF Ordinary Account (OA) or Retirement Account (RA) upon sale. For example, if you sell your flat for $400,000, with an outstanding loan of $100,000, and you’ve utilised $150,000 of CPF savings plus $50,000 in accrued interest, your total CPF usage would be $200,000. This means your net proceeds would be $100,000 after repaying your outstanding loan and refunding your CPF account. It's crucial to account for the accrued interest as it significantly impacts your final sales proceeds, and you can check this interest using the CPF mobile app.

Expenses and Taxes Involved in Selling Your HDB Flat

Several costs can impact your sales proceeds, including:

  • Legal Fees: Based on your appointed solicitor.

  • Seller's Stamp Duty: Applicable if ownership is transferred.

  • Property Tax: Pro-rated based on the sale date.

  • Service and Conservancy Charges: Until resale completion.

These fees, along with your resale price, play a significant role in determining your net proceeds.

3. Decide on Your HDB Flat Sale Price

After registering your Intent to Sell, determining the right resale price for your HDB flat is critical. A well-researched resale price can balance a quick sale with maximising profits. Factors to consider include recent transacted prices of nearby flats and current market conditions. Setting a price too low might expedite the sale but reduce your proceeds, while a high price could delay the sale. To accurately assess your flat's value and ensure you set the right price, consider using Mogul's M-Value service, which provides a comprehensive property valuation tailored to current market trends.

Determining Your HDB Flat Selling Price

The HDB flat valuation is pivotal in the resale process. The valuation, provided by HDB after signing the OTP with a buyer, helps determine if your selling price aligns with the market value. If your selling price exceeds the HDB valuation, the buyer must pay the difference in cash (Cash-Over-Valuation or COV).

In summary, the process of selling your HDB flat involves careful planning, preparing all necessary resale documents, and consideration of various financial aspects. From understanding your mortgage and CPF usage to navigating fees, taxes, and determining your flat's valuation, each step impacts your final sales proceeds. Properly managing these elements ensures a smoother HDB resale process and maximises your financial return.

4. Verify Buyer's Deposit When Selling Your HDB Flat

Once you and the buyer agree on the resale price and sign the OTP, the buyer will pay you an option fee, which can be up to $1,000. If the buyer decides to exercise the option, they will pay an additional option exercise fee, up to $4,000, making the total deposit up to $5,000. This deposit will be used as part of the CPF refund, as mentioned earlier.

After settling the deposit, both parties must submit the resale application via the HDB Flat Portal, where the HDB will process the transaction. Upon successful submission, you can manage the sale of your flat through the Flat Dashboard, where you’ll receive information about the resale completion date and any necessary next steps.

Following the Sale of Your HDB Flat

Once you've successfully sold your flat, you can calculate your estimated proceeds using the following formula:

Estimated Proceeds = Resale Price - Option Fee - Option Exercise Fee - Outstanding Loan - CPF Refund

For example, if you sold your 4-room HDB flat for $400,000:

Estimated Proceeds = $400,000 - [Option Fee] - [Option Exercise Fee] - $100,000 (Outstanding Loan) - [CPF Refund]

These proceeds, estimated to be around $100,000 in this scenario, can be a significant financial boost, especially if you’re planning to buy another property.

5. Obtain Sales Proceeds Post Sale of Your HDB Flat

You might wonder, "When will I get my cash proceeds after selling my HDB flat?" You'll receive your sales proceeds on the day of the sale completion. A cashier’s order is issued, which you can immediately deposit into your bank account. CPF refunds, however, take about two to three weeks to process. This straightforward process allows you to quickly manage your funds and plan your next steps.

Consider Your HDB Sales Proceeds Realistically

While selling your HDB flat can yield substantial proceeds, it’s crucial to consider various factors that may impact your final profit. Beyond settling outstanding loans and CPF refunds, additional expenses like legal fees, property taxes, and upgrading costs can significantly reduce your net earnings. Timing is also critical, as market conditions influence resale prices. Understanding the intricacies of the HDB resale process—from the moment you register intent to sell until you complete the transaction—ensures you navigate smoothly.

Depending on the type of property you intend to buy—whether it's another HDB resale flat or an upgrade to private property—your sales proceeds can play a significant role. Whether you're upgrading to a larger flat or moving to private property, careful financial planning, and managing resale costs are key. To simplify your property purchase, consider using Mogul Buy, a service that helps you navigate the property market and find your ideal home with ease.


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